Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Magnolia Trees and A Trip to Lowes

I couldn't believe it last week when my magnolia trees started blossoming like crazy!
It was very exciting. I had no idea that rain is what causes them to bloom. We sure did have lots of rain, so I guess that explains it.

On Friday night we took our kids to Lowes to look for something. It was so funny watching them. They had a blast. Basically turned the store into an obstacle course. Probably getting into things they weren't supposed to :-) and climbing on things that aren't supposed to be climbed on, but it made me realize how great kids are at making every situation fun. Even if it is just a boring trip to a hardware store.

Kids are the best


Jared and Katy said...

I'm not usually a big fan of magnolia trees...I like the way they smell and the flower, but not the look of the whole tree...but if I could own a magnolia tree that produced beautiful magnolias like yours I may have a chnage of heart.

Heather Bankhead said...

am i seeing a missing tooth in jonah's mouth?!