Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sneezy Does It:Cute Tissue Box Craft

Once in awhile, we do a cute and easy craft. Parents Magazine always seems to have crafts that are doable for me, since I am not a very crafty person!

The pictures above showcase, first what the craft is supposed to look like and second, our version, a liitle bit modified, but fun none the less.
This was a great one for this time of year, because now everyone has their own box of kleenex to use (we have runny noses at the moment!
Check out this link- Sneezy Does It- to do the craft


Anthony and Christel said...

Cute idea!!

Angela said...

Very Cute. Yes, I would love the freezer recipe. Your blog is so cute I love reading it. We need to get together....

Audrey and the Boys said...

Very cute! We all need one of those at the moment