A really good movie
I love watching a really good movie. bella was wonderful. I picked it, not really knowing what it was about and it really moved me and Matt. It is absolutely clean. There is no vulgarity, no profanity, no drugs (1-2 scenes with someone who is smoking), no crass or crude remarks, absolutely no sex, and it just really makes you feel good about people. It is rated Pg-13, but the only reason I can think of, is because it really is for adults. Kids wouldn't understand the story.It is all about family and how much we need each other, and how we can help each other. I highly recommend it. I think it was wonderfully shot and portrays Latinos in a wonderful light, which is what the director and producers were trying to do. The music and cinematography were so beautiful. I won't go into too much detail about the story, but it shows how one moment in time can change your life forever and the effects of our decisions. Wow. This morning I am still really moved by this film.
Cool thanks for the recommendation, Jeff and I will have to add it to our netflix. Hope all is going well.
good to know, always looking for a good movie
I LOVE movies.
Sounds awesome. I'll have to check it out.
We bought this movie a while back. Frank and I enjoyed it as well.
I'm always looking for movie recommendations; thanks!
I love movies I will have to watch this. Thanks for the review.
Sounds great. I just added it to my netflix que.
Thanks for the recommendation. I always hate getting a movie that I haven't heard anything about cause I'm afraid I won't like it then I wasted my money.
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