Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good Times

Ryanne was eating breakfast the other day and started rubbing a cut up strawberry on her eye because "it made my eye feel better". I thought that was a little strange, but oh well? She did it to the other eye too and then Savannah thought she better follow suit.

Matt was using Jonah as a guitar when we were listening to the CD Audrey sent me for Mothers Day. Thanks for the jams!
Savannah was enjoying her Florida Pie, but not as much as I enjoyed smooshing the leftovers on Matts face! My mom and Andrew were trying to get me to slime my dad but he was begging for me not too. Matt offered his face, so I went right ahead. That is true love if you ask me!


Jaime said...

yall are funny:)maybe that's how they discovered herbal benefits, people just rubbed them on their hand after an ant bite (or whatever ailment), or like Ry- just to see what it felt like! tell her cucumber works better for the circles under the eyes, ha!

Mary Mitchell said...

Okay - I found YOUR blog on Jared and Katy's blog, so now we can both secretly read about each other's lives =). Gotta love blogging!

Audrey and the Boys said...

Glad you are enjoying the CD. That photo of Matt is classic!