What is your favorite olympic sport to watch?
Me- swimming. If by some chance you missed the 4X100m freestyle relay last night and haven't seen it yet, you have got to see it- here is a link. It was amazing. Me and Matt still can't believe how Lezak did that! Sheesh! My favorite part was watching Micheal Phelps reaction when he realized they won- he reminds me of a little kid, so cute. Go USA!
OH I love watching the olympics!!!! I get choked up thinking about it. BUt I would have to say gymnastics.
Phelps is awesome! He really is fun to watch perform. He has accomplished so much in his young career.
I absolutely love diving. It takes so much skill and control to dive the way they do. I have mastered the accidental belly flop so I really admire the gift of graceful diving.
I watched swimming the other night. I couldn't believe how fast that guy could swim. I was in awe. I enjoyed watching the synchronized diving and gymnastics last night.
That was such an awesome moment! I love watching the Olympics...it makes me feel good to see the American Flag!
is it wrong of me to watch it just for the swim suits and abs?
I'm all about the gymnastics! I love watching them!
Gotta say I love the gymnastics. I am truly astounded at what they can make their bodies do.
i like the swimming (who doesn't w/ phelps?) but i really love gymnastics- i'll never forget the keri strug (sp?) moment in history!
I just have to say that I watched the swimming last night, and I was blown away! Michael Phelps is incredible!
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