These pictures loaded backwards, so I guess I will just talk about this trip from the end to the beginning.
This is me and Matt at the airport, on the way home from our whirlwind, less than 24 hour trip to go to Whitney and Richard's sealing at the Washington DC Temple.
It was soooo cold.

My mom, dad, and Andrew were visiting with Audrey and Scott, so we were able to stay with them and they came to the temple too. Andrew was mainly a baby holder.
We got to meet our newest nephew, Lucas while we were on this trip and he is sooo cute!

Matt took a picture of the temple from the outside. I have never been to this temple before. It is so big and beautiful.
I stayed inside. It was about 16 degrees with really strong winds, so we took lots of pictures inside then the happy couple went outside for a couple of minutes for more pictures. I stayed inside and helped hold Lucas.
Matt went outside and held coats and things.

After the ceremony, we headed to the Cheesecake Factory for a yummy lunch.
Then we went to Audrey and Scott's house for a few hours and got to see the other kiddos and visit.

This is Lucas. He really is the sweetest baby ever. So smiley and happy. Never cries. I wanted to bring him home with me.
I really did. His brothers got quite upset when they heard me say that and quickly had him taken out of my arms so I couldn't steal him.
Fun trip!
I am so happy for Richard and Whitney. So glad that we were able to make it up to the wedding.
Thanks to Grandma Becky and Papa Frank for watching our kids, so that we could actually afford to go up there without being completely broke.
It was a great trip!