Sunday, October 4, 2009

I feel so inspired and uplifted.
I love General Conference.
I have a new determination to try harder to do my best, love everyone more, serve those around me, and to continue striving to be the best person that I can.
I absolutely loved everything I heard.
There was definitely a theme of Love, which I couldn't agree with more. Love emcompasses everything else. So simple, but so powerful.

Here are some of my favorite things, not word for word exactly, but from my notes.

Elder Osguthorpe-
AIM HIGH- do a little better than you think you can
think, feel and do something about living gospel principles
learning and teaching are not optional

Elder Bednar-
Express love and show it.
we will never regret the kind word spoken.
Feeling the constancy of love is the desire of every soul, it casts out fear.
Bear testimony and mean it. consistently live it. Testimony is reflected in words and deeds.
Many ordinary brushstrokes combine to make a beautiful painting.
Consistency can lead to spirituality.
We simply should sincerely and frequently express love.
We should remember that saying 'I love you' is only a beginning. We need to say it, we need to mean it, and most importantly we need consistently to show it. We need to both express and demonstrate love.

Elder Uchtdorf-
Love is the greatest commandment and should be at the heart of all we do in families, church, communities
Obedience becomes a joy, not a burden
What we love, we seek
what we seek, we think
what we think, we do
what we do is who we are and who we will become
Love is the defining characteristic of disciples of Christ
Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, God loves us perfectly.

Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility and respect. It is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope. Love should be our walk and our talk.
God does not need people to love him but that people need to love God
God loves all - including the imperfect, the proud, the selfish, the arrogant and the wicked.

President Eyring-
We can and must expect to become better
Selfishness is the absence of love
I'm trying to be like Jesus

David H. Burton-
Virtues show our true character
Concerned parents help instill values
integrity goes hand in hand with values

Anne Dibb-
We learn and grow by overcoming our hard times with faith and personal righteousness
Repent, Hold On, and Don't Let Go

President Monson-
Each of us can do something to help someone
Often we live side by side, but do not communicate heart to heart


Becky said...

Me, too. Check out President Uchtdorf's talk given at the Priesthood session. I'm thankful for such righteous leaders. I was also struck not only by their goodness but the conviction with which they bore testimony.

Jared and Katy said...

You could some of my favorite things that were said too...I can't wait till the Ensign comes out and I can read it!