It has been ages since I updated this blog.
Summer is here and we are loving it. We swim at Grandma Becky's everyday and that is really fun for us.
One of my bestest friends in the world, Heather, flew out here to visit. She had a few other friends and destinations to get to, but we were her home base.
We went to a concert in Atlanta and took her to Chattanooga to meet up with a friend the first week she was here.
I am not good at taking pictures sometimes when we are out and about, so I have no shots of our trip to Chattanooga.
We also drove to DC. It was a 2 purposed trip. Me and the kids stayed with Audrey and Scott and got to play with the cousins. Heather got to stay with us too, but was also able to see friends in that area.
Audrey recently acquired a ice cream maker and put me to work showing her how to make custard-based gelato.
We went to "spraygrounds" which are playgrounds that include spray parks- where water shoots up through the sidewalk. The kids really enjoyed it. One of the days we were out at a sprayground it just happened to be the hottest day recorded in 100 years. It was hot!

Jonah has radar for
Silly Bandz. It seemed like everywhere we went he zoned in on other kids/teens that were wearing them and began trading. It was very entertaining to watch.

We went to the
FolkLife Festival that the Smithsonian hosts every year and were able to see some neat performances and do some fun things for the kids.
They were able to try on Air and Space outfits from the past.

(If you notice in any of these pictures that Savannah has very short, uneven bangs, then you will know that Ry took the scissors to her hair a couple of weeks ago.)

We also walked to the
Jefferson Memorial.

It was so fun spending time with cute little Lucas. He is such a well behaved baby. He nevers cries and is so happy all the time. A pure joy to be around.

We went to the cousins' favorite museum-
Air and Space museum, where the boys told us all about their favorite planes and we learned lots of interesting facts.
Audrey also took Heather and I to a delicious dinner at
Zaytinya. It was the perfect girls night out.

We had to make a trip to the
National Zoo. The weather cooled down a little bit on the day we went, which made for a pleasant walk to see all the animals.

Jonah and Savannah comparing their hands to lion paws.

Jonah caught in the silly bandz action for the bazillionth time

One of the best parts of the zoo is the Pizza Park at the end. Ryanne is sitting inside a giant olive. The other kids are running around on the crust by the giant tomato.

Everyone took turns sliding down the cheese.

We went to the
Cactus Cantina, after a fun day at the zoo. Jonah remembered this restaurant from our trip to DC last year and wanted to be sure that we could go there again.
We tried to get a picture of all the kids smiling together, but it was nearly impossible.

From DC we drove down to Savannah to meet with another friend so that Heather could go visit with her for the rest of the trip. Tiff and Russ (my sis and bro-in-law) were so kind to let us stay with them overnight, so that we could get a good nights rest before our meeting in Savannah and before we drove home. I should have taken a picture of the kids that night that we stayed because they had so much fun catching tiny frogs in a jar on a dirt road behind Russ and Tiffany's house.
We had a great 4th of July with all of Matt's family, swimming and enjoying each others company.

Here is a picture of me kissing little Lucas. So sweet.
Jonah and Ryanne go to school in a month. Summer has flown by too fast!! There is still so much summer stuff we need to do!